Taking down the final opponent


First I want to thank Maddie for the great photos for this page and being patient with all my questions about the wrestlers and each match. The interview with the coach went very well and same with all the boys. As I worked on this page I felt like I may have taken too much control because I was in the swing of it and I had major organizational skills. I wrote every name and lunch and what they were going to be asked. I may have done most of it but it went really well and I am very proud.

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Selling Out Winter formal


This formal page was more than just our interviewing and caption writing, it was our photography and a night at the dance as well. It was a great experience to be able to be on stage in front of the student body and capture their memories at winter formal. I loved being able to write the caption easier because I was at the event. The page turned out great with nice quotes, pictures and design.

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This is probably the best page I have worked on since I have been in publications. The pictures turned out great and the information we got to tell each pilot’s story was amazing. Abby and I were able to hear fascinating stories about boys we go to school with every day and would never guess they have these hobbies. The pull quote is eye catching and makes the reader want more. I was very pleased with the design of the page as well.

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